Yeah, I DO like the song...
... it´s really chilled out, and feels like "the time between the battles collecting ore looking out for an airassault" from red alert :D The repetition some pandora spoke of here is first of all totally up to the artist, the buildup is an imprtant part of an artists creativity. There ARE reasons not everyone like this kind of music :P
Still, for me the "repeating" serves a good purpose, it welcomes the changes and boosts them even more.
A couple of technical stuff i noticed; It´s really nice when the beat shows up, personally i´d make it even more noticable (lowering volume or have one or another breakdown just before beat kicks in. But thats me :), and the basedrum-base or whatever, sound(s) sounds quite overriding, unless u´ve distorted them in a way that gives a weird crunchyness to that sound. That´s easilly taken care of with some eqing. The voice is really suiting, but the backgroundnoice created by the mic uve used is quite annoying. Some can be filtered and eq´ed away of course...
Still really nice song. I gotta check the other parts of the 18 min song out too.