
372 Audio Reviews

253 w/ Responses

Sorry mate...

... this wasn´t good at all. The melody didnt make sense, there were too un-aimed bass going on, and the overall mix felt very unpolished :(

Try to plan your songs a little better. I know this is merely a loop, but even short loops can have buildups, you knwo.


This was...

... A nice piece. But I think you should try messing with the instruments a little more. For example, the piano could do with some eq´ing, a lil less reverb and some velocity-messing, more velocity messing that is. The cello feeels a little misplaced, perhaps stereo-it out and then keep it more in the background? its all about what you like though. Some parts were really good, some didn´t do that much for me.
Keep going like this though, it does sound good!!!


SidSinister responds:

Thanks, The Chello in one part (just before the end) ends up sounding a little strange. I tried to make the note change sound file as it's playing, it doiesn't like that.


The recording...

... has lots of background noice in it, thats what hits me at first.
The highpitche vox is, like mbm said, not a good idea.
There is lots of empty space floating around, that, in my opinion, should be used up.
Guitar later on IS out of tune, but there are a couple of interesting stuff going on there.

Keep on experimenting though, thats what i mainly like with this song!!!



... that was loud, didnt expect that. I nearly shit my pants even!
Ay, is that a little peaking I hear even? thats y u get a 7 in clarity, but if it´s only my settings that does it, i appologise. :(
Well, anyway, this song has a nice flow in the beat. My head was nodding the whole time. Later on when the synth lead comes in, it felt a liiittle bit like a mega-man song, cant remember wich one. Only a few notes or so. THats a GOOD thing, btw :D
Well, anyway this was really cool, I really enjoyed it mate, but it just didn´t feel like it happened... i dunno really. The prominent snare that came in late added some cool attitude to the song though, and that´s what saved it for me!!!


crud responds:

definitly loud. it's annoying, i always adjust my speaker volume and computer volume and then FL volume and then i get completely disoriented on where the hell the volume is going to end up for other people. bah!
mega-man is a badass.
i'm glad you gave it a chance and stuck it through, your music is just entertaining to listen to. all those zaps and random sfx that i'm entertained the entire way through. thanks fer the review Rucklo. porr. sexy

There was a simple and...

...nice intro, the swirling vox-synth really gave a great mood to the song. The up-fade of the beat, until bassdrum comes in, was nice. The chords of that first synth are really good, but I´m not 100% sure bout that homemade bassline... :P Its smooth and all, but it kindof doesnt feel right. Perhaps it should have been darker? i dunno really. Difficult to create own instruments though, myself I do that all the time, and rareley get ant instruments i´m pleased with.
Anyhow, perhaps that what you should doing indeed, it´s fun and you get yout own sound :D
I strongly suggest you don´t use the reason soundfactory too much, that rabotnik cymbal really took my experience away, since I myself use reason, and have herad that one many times. Of course, not that many ppl actually who likes and listen to this song actually use reason, or make music at all, but still, it makes the song sound more amateur-ish, wich is totally unnessesary. There was some other noice I reckognized too... at least mess around with them, so they are more difficult to spot. Am i getting too puristic now? :D
Anyway, the song itself is, like i said, really good, it really deserves my 5. The buildup of the whole thing is just awsome.
Keep at it like this mate!


synteza responds:

I think I'm way too used to the current bass, it's like an accquired taste for simple things... so I'm not up to the challenge of making a new one!

I don't use the Factory Soundbank THAT much, but I made this song as one of my first and I thought the Rabotnik cymbal sounded really great in its role. Now that you bring it up to my attention, it does sound a little like I didn't have the incentive to search for a more original cymbal. I do mask a lot of pre-made instruments, but I didn't back when I made Ion Storm (I added EQ only now, but the song was made a while ago).

Haha you're definitely getting puristic and in this review I'm glad you are.

Thanks for the review,



...OUT OF THIS SPHERE!!! Or... wait, I actually enjoy being here, listening to this song! This is one hell of a song, man, it has been so long ago since I listened to your stuff, so I forgot how good you are, even!

Ok, straight tens are a fucking boring score to give, but this song really IS good. the quality is very clean, there are lots and lots of nice videogame-sound fx going on, this song is just lovley! The floating pad sounds like a dream.
The basedrum got kindof boring though, but its monotone hammering gave the song a good "go", and helped me warp to the third level, so I guess it´s ok.

Great job, man! I gotta remember to check out your stuff more often...

AdmiralConquistador responds:

Yea, I think I said it somewhere in the forums, I ran out of steam on this one but it works pretty well as is...

Hehe I'm glad you enjoyed being stuck in your bubble sir! Yea I used a bunch of NES sound fx, and sorry about the monotone bass drum... I guess I didn't pay attention to that part at all. I'm glad you liked the padlike lead I used... I wanted to use something very smooth and unabrasive for that. The third level is pink and full of sharks man, you might wanna get out of there :)


I´m just gonna....

... use this oppurtunity to "suck up" a little, by simply not reviewing and only praising you. I actually thought you had stopped submitting to NG at all, someone told me so. I´ve been listening to all your stuff, theyre in my mp3 player, and I really love the sound quality and all around kickass songs you have released here. Hope to see more from you soon, now i´m off to advertise for ya in the forum :D (lick lick, ur worht it man)


Helix6 responds:

I'm still working, albeit a little slowly. I have a lot of other things that keep me busy. Unfortunately music is kind of far down my list of priorities. Thanks for the support.

Happy happy...

...joy, joy!
That was just too happy man! Perfect little snippet to use in a flash it seem to loop ok too.
Was this made with your band? Can´t reember what ur name was... Anyway, u guys are really good. This lil loop is tigt and it just sits perfect, with guitarslides and all. No doubt punk genre´s #1! Keep em coming mate!


Evil-Dog responds:

Nah dude that's just me :)
Me, me and the computer

The band's Chucks Nation :D

Yeah man...

...u got the good stuff going on here, I can totally it´s a Runaway song, nut you´ve improved alot the last 6 month, man.
Anyway, I gotta agree with weekc, that the reverbed bass gets a lil too much. THe open hihat feels a lil.... i dunno, it´s not good though, it´s a lil too spaced out. I think ive pointed this out in some other song of yours?
Anyway, this was an awsome song nevertheless.

How´s the DJ´ing anyway? Know what I´ve bought? Numark CDX, ooooh yeah, awsome shit im telling ya... Hopefully i´ll be able to take my music to the next lever with the help of my new equipment :)


It just struck me...

... I never really listened to any of your stuff... maybe once a long time ago... but i cant really recall.

Anyway, this was a very interesting song indeed. I understand y mbm fell in love with them crunchy crispy drunk, they were quite a munch, really. However, a little of the cost of quality, in my ears (thru my headphones). It simply got a little too mcuh, and it must hve overrided quite a lot at some parts? A little overiding is ok if at the right places, but this felt a little too much. I know it allways sounds like its overriding when u listen to crunched beats, but this must have been too much?

Other than that, I really feel I´ve missed ur makings man, im gonna have to check out more of your stuff, cause this is good music, well made. Not today though, i´m way too tired. :)


LJCoffee responds:

Thanks Rucklo!

The drums.. too much?? :) probably

I appreciate it - it helps alot more to hear what others think - especially for specific problem areas. Next submission won't be nearly as harsh with the percussion!

No multi-n00bing, pl0x.

Age 23, Male


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