I never really...
...checked your audio, so i decided to take a look at your stuff.
I have to say it´s much better than i expected.
This song, at least (only ive heard so far), is well composed and have a really cool sound to it. Gotta love the piano in the beginning, no? :D
The song has alot to it, even vocoded lyrics (yay!)
There are a few technical issues that felt they could have been better though. First, the overall mix felt very treble-ish, stronger subbass, or simply some multi-band eq´ing to the lower frequences would be good. The beat felt pretty descent, but the snare fetl way too hard. I weill even be so bold saying that i think the basedrum should have a lil less beatings on it. It messes up a lil, and even thought theres a good flow in the song, i honestly think that a simply 1/4 beat would give a better feel to this song, since the isnteruments overall are so trance-dance-ish.
One last technical issue i thought was bad, was the panning. way too much sound to the right in many parts, you should automate the panning in places when needed, so it dont get "stuck". Try ecperimenting using panning as an effect, it usually adds alot to the song.
Still yeah, i think this was a cool song, i really liked the chords and the overall sound of this, and thats more important than the technical issues, since the real difficultie in making music aint the technical shit, that anyone can learn :)