That yellow dount...
...thing, oh how i loved seeing it glow when I was young. I could more or less "summon" it when i wanted, but it was always easier when I was on my way going to sleep. Sometimes it helped pressing slightly against my eyes, but the eyes had to be kept shut, even if the room was dark.
Amazing how you could remind me of such a thing. It was always exiting when it was on it´s way to "climax". Sometimes there was a green skimmer to it. It would more or less always build up in pieces, quarter parts of a circle, even less parts... but always end up being a full circle. When it reached climax, it would glow amazingly, more or less the way you drew it in the cartoon.
Up to this day I really don´t know why the eye (or brain) would be able to do something like that, but perhaps it´s the same weird "source" that when you experience low blood preassure, you see loads of "dots". On occation, i´ve thought that to be snow, but always realise that´s not the case (when it´s 20degree there will be no snow...). It´s always impossible to look directly on the dots, and when you look another direction with your eyes, the dots will remain "in the same position". They do however remind me of how cells looks like, when you see them in a microscope. Perhaps they are.
About the flash, then, obviously I loved it, like most of your work. You´ve always been extremley good of using the audio in your favour, wich is something most flash artists around here lack. Great job once again, looking forward to see more of your work!