that was...
...fucknig awesome. it had so much political sarcam over it i don't think i need to read the papers to understand whats going on in the election...
that was...
...fucknig awesome. it had so much political sarcam over it i don't think i need to read the papers to understand whats going on in the election...
Animation was...
...REALL awesome, it had great timing and good "camerawork" overall. Interesting from this point of view, definitley.
But holy shit, that was probably one of the most lame scripts ever. Maybe this is some series or whatever that I just don't understand, but really, the story just sucked balls. And what exactly was lame? Like I said, the whole damn script. Don't care if it follows any set rules for short movies, or whatever - total suckage. Sorry. :-/
...what the fuck dude??? this was definitley not what i expected when i saw the first minute. but it was well drawn, good animated and had a pretty goodcamera job to it. too bad the sound was shitty, never use the same audio clip twice ina row, like laughter etc... it sounds very poor.
good job nevertheless!
...this was so beautiful. so mighty. so B!
good jooob, buddy! ^________________^
That's it!
I'm BBS-banning the asshole who made this flash permanently!!!1
Damn it! :P
I just can't stop...
...laughing, man, Edbert and Otis are probably the best NG have ever seen. Really. After you've submitted the last one, you gotta start working on more.
I've waited so long for this, man! Well worth the wait! When will the other episodes be released? Edbert and Otis is probably one of the best toons on this site, seriously.
That was...
...very well made indeed, it's been a while ago since I saw something so thought out and well compiled as this! Keep up the awesome work!
sup rucklo
Very interesting...
... style in this movie, I must say. The voices were a little too low bitrated though, it was pretty difficult to understand what they said.
When you put music on your next movie, do try to find different short songs/loops that fits the mood of the scenes a little better. It's usually not a good idea to have one song running in the background. To get the most out of it, use as high quality audio you can, score everytihng then animate with using the final ready mixed audio as a "base". Then you will be able to compress everything into mp3 when you exoprt the final product.
Anyway, it was a cool movie, and I really liked it! Keep flashin'!
No multi-n00bing, pl0x.
Age 23, Male
LoCatiON nOt DiScLosEd
Joined on 10/11/04