epic, as usual!
very epic, clean mix... what can i say, it's awesome, really.
the only thing i could imagine you might be able to work with a little more is the actual volume. if you can, with your software and whatever gear you have to mix with, try to make a "live mix" with the faders. its something that subtily will help improve things like ALOT. when i perform live mixing, i always fool around with the volume of the instruments, even if i never heard the band before. it DOES make a big difference of the overall sound.
Dynamics is something that probably alot of electronic/digital artists don't mess with all that much subtily, whilst back in the days pre-digi software it was one of few things you could work with.
If you dont have faders on some kind of console, it's more difficult imo to get a good feeling, but one can always automate things... still don't give the right feeling compared with live mixing with faders (or do both...). :(
Nevrtheless, this shit's amazing, like all your other stuff!