
372 Audio Reviews

253 w/ Responses

Okey then....

Nice fading in intro. Those are actually quite rare nowadays :)
This feels very well balanced from a technical point of view, with instruments well chosen.

One part of me says "hmmm there aren´t enough things in this song", but then another part says "sure there are enought things here." I guess this feels very much like some menu-song, or background music for a film that niceley would support a set mood.
So, for a song to listen to, it needs something more, but for a menu/background style song, it´s just perfect!

Hmmm i did find some technical issue you should check out, the balance; seems like the track is louder on the right side. Good thing, first I thought it was my left ear giving in (ive had some problems latley with it :)

Keep it up mate!

WinTang responds:

One part of me says "hmmm there aren�t enough things in this song", but then another part says "sure there are enought things here."

My sentiments exactly! Haha! That's why I put this up a little hesitantly...
Hopefully, I will make this into a listenworthy song, and then I'll be sure to check out the balance issue. Sorry for scaring you :)
Thanks for the review!!

I liked that....

...arp, twas a meanie. you should try to control the levels of the different channels a little better, though, it doesnt seem quite balanced to be honest. The beat, when it kicks in is disting quite a bit, wich felt a little annoying. What you should have on this song is a typical dnb snare+basedrum, do fatten it up. Also there lacks a decent subbass to pound things up to the next level. I think i hear somet sytnh in the back bassing up a little bit, but it really needs more.
The arp, however was really sweet! But compared to the rest of the song, it might be a little too dominant.

The song is really nicley built, but it really needs to be "happeneing" when an expectation is built, if you know what i mean.

Keep it up, this is a really cool song man!


Distortzion responds:

Yeah, I know the levels sucked, because I suck at that :P

The arp is simplty good, because it's the best of the track :D

Thnx for the rev anyway =)


...your crazy you!!11!!1

mhb responds:

thank you. i'm glad you liked it.

Oh oh oh...

... well, i never heard the original, so ill give u a 6 for originality. Because six=sex in swedish, and sex=pr0n in english (and swedish). but this sounds pretty cool. Simple melody, smooth synth, the second one is really cool too.It does sound a little too spacey, too reverbish, but you vould easily take care of that i guess. The kickdrum needs to be tighter and more stable, if u have reverb on thatone, i belive u really shouold remove it. compress it alone and bla bla bla. Cool song :)


...this was really interesting, I have to say! Liek you mentioned in the description, there are loads of interesting ear-candy all around. I really enjoyed all the small things in here, loads of potential. There´s some slighty disted things going on that crunches away ina really smooth manner, the background reverbed beat is really suitable in there.
A few pointers you might wanna think about;

The snare, nah i just couldn´t go with it. A suggestion here is to layer the snare, and remove some of the layers in different places where most suitable.
The baseline is ok, but the bass used is honestly very lifeless. Alone (it´s allmost solo in some part) it sounds decent, but in the mix it takes up way too much space, and is also very monotone and boring (too clean, i would dare say...). This in most other aspects being an interesting ear-candy based song is getting backfired from that bass.

Towards the end you single out some instruments and sounds, I think you should try consider building the song a little more. There are things going on indeed, but there´s not really a good feeling i get from the buildup... it gets monotone quite quickly, and even though i hear loads of interesting things going on, these needs to stand out more in the mix. Othervise llistener (I :) loose interest.

Nice first submission though, It´s clear you´ve been using reason for a while!!! :)

First of...

...came a really sweet synth that was deep and well crafted, that caught my attention at once. The riff that follows, i hear it´s your style, but it´s got different instruments than you usually use. There are loads of small Helix artifactsin there, especially in the buildup, how you simply play the instruments.
I really like it, there are a few touches that beefs things up a whole lot. Im not going deep in this review, since i gotta run outside in the lovley weather and drink beer, but it´s good stuff. heads up, Helix!

Helix6 responds:

Thank you... Enjoy the weather for sure!



Arrrsome song juniarrrr, you and I should steal a pirate ship, raise the jolly rogarrrrr and pirate arrrrselves a bloody fine looking pirrrateship, steal some tresarrrrrs and dock at every porrrt, charrrming the woman and the wharrrs, drinkning the rome and shout YARRRRRRR to anyone who dares interfear! This will be our theme song, yarrrrrr!!! shiop ohoooy!!!! YAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!11!1!11!!

PERVOK responds:



This is...

...a song wich feels like it mainly rely on lyrics, and I gotta say I like it.
The refrain is strong, but for a "drinknin´" song, perhaps it should have been a little longer so that the guys down the pub with the Guinness can sing along? :) Or perhaps try to shorten down the time in between the refrains?
Where the refrain were a little longer, a smooth flute, or string, probably would have beefened up both the refrain and the "drunken" feeling. But then again I suppose it´s 100% live recording in this song (even the bass)?

I actually had a little hard time hearing the lyrics. I always do, and since eng. aint my first lang. that may not be so weird, but the vox did feel quite low in the mix. Could be the fact that it was slightly panned to the right.

Anyway, there´s way too much blipp-blopp on this site, and too little "organic" stuff, like this. Keep it up. Have a beer. Put yerself on the frontpage. :)


This stuff´s...

...awsome, man! I liked the part without the guitar better than the one with, but no matter, it all made sense in the end after all. The beat in this song was really kicking, I love when ppl play around with the hihat in beats, freakin awsome!
The organ/synth + the bassline was what really caught my attention, really sweet and fuzzy, they worked well together.
However, despite that the mixing sounds farily descent, well actually it did a sound like it peaked a little at some levels. This is very vivid in the intro, where it´s peaking a little.

Perhaps a little more adjusting would make the track feel better. And as for mastering, somethings just not right... It has a good basic pump but still not. Use some compression and try to eq out som of the buzzing thats going on in there.

Great job still, the song itself I really liked" Imagine som fat skratching on this :D i liek skratching :)


pitbulljones responds:

cheers ruckers, i love you man. That 'clipping' noise is there because i was using demo plugins for the synths and shit, they insert random bits of hiss and stuff, thats cos im a cheap bastard lol. the beats as previously mentioned are loops from my libary that ive cut and shaped and beat matched, i think theres three layers going on in there, not including the bongo.

as for the balance, i really need to invest in a mastering sweet rather than relying on the shit plugins ive got and praying for the best. but i aint got a penny tomy name, one day, one day......

N if you wanna try n put scratching on then go for it, id love to see what you can do man.

again thanks for the informative review.

Well for being Newgrounds...

...this is original indeed, but listening on the radio, it´ll unfortunatley fall into the "radio mess".
But maybe not, because this song is actually really really good. Im not a person who´s into lyrics that much, but these feel really good. It has a good poetric depth, i taste some emo in it but thats all good. Point with these kinds of lyrics many times are to get people to recognise themselves, so they feel "this is about me" kindof. And i´m sure this is bulls eye for many NG people, many creative artistic souls hang around here. The lyrics are bulls eye in many senteces for me, anyhow.
About the guitar playing, it´s really good, but I cant really decide if it´s one guitar or if it´s two??? Judging that from the plectrum sound on the chords, i guess its two :) Really great composition, ánd with the vocals it gets very rich and full. I´d love to hear this live on a pub somewhere, with a beer in my hand.
You have a great voice as well (i assume thats you). ABout the recording and mastering, i can only find one thing that irritatest me a little, and thats the room-echo. Not sure wether you´ve recorded this in your bedroom, but thats a little what it sounds like. Could be just a bad reverb effect, but it sounds "un clear" in that way.
Great job, i really hope to hear more stuff from you here on NG!


xXChrissyXx responds:

hehe, yeah it is pretty "pop"ish.
nothing like the stuff you make. lol
thanks for all the kind words; it means alot coming from someone who creates music themselves.

yes, there are two guitar tracks on it. if you want any more detail than that, you'd have to ask my friend who played & recorded the guitars.

it's not my bedroom, but pretty close! >_<
standard echonomy homerecording.

No multi-n00bing, pl0x.

Age 23, Male


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