As some of you have noticed (at least you audio peeps) the upcoming MAC have been delayed, and it's mainly due to me being busy IRL with school, a few audio project and an extra job I have (well, not yet, I've only been there working once, but thursday is X2, and since I will be there all day, I will miss school = I gotta catch up).
I now study basic natural-science. It's basicly equivalent to high-school-level of what I read (physics, maths, chemistry + biology), the only thing is that in one year we study what normally takes three years, so the tempo is pretty damn hectic. When I was in (Swedish equivalent to) high-school, I studied multi-media and some other unusefull crap, and now that I've "decided" what I wanna do (sound engineering) I must read up the previously mentioned subjects.
Basicly, right now I have two "project" to do here on NG, apart from the constant audio-modding and audio forum BBS modding (that both take quite some time too), and the first one obviously is to finnish up the MAC. Regarding that, it's not far from done, I just need to sit down an hour or two to get my shit together, also Chronamut is making the banner for thisone, and I don't belive it's done while writing this (though that's definitley not an excuse for not having finnished up the MAC and launching it:)
Another thing I've wanted to do since I got modded is to clear some shit up in the audio forum. The sticky needs to be updated, and a decent vioce-actors thread needs to be made (wich also is in the makings, even though it's only the start of it so far. It won't really take much time once I sit down, maybe 2 hours or so, but eh, so many "little things" to do...).
Apart from that, I want to continue making some "Rucklo High" threads, with usefull tip and trick about sound etc. Aim is to make the next one about what sound really is, physically. Though I have had that in mind since the previous one, early this passed summer...
Now, had I only taken the time to work on the MAC instead of writing this, maybe it would have been done... d'oh!
Oh well, when somone asks about the MAC I can now easily just pop a link to here and keep slacking off for another week or two. MWAHAHAHAHAH!