Emotinal, beautiful, deep...
...but what´s with the low score on this animation????
This is an awsome flash made with soul, seriously u really capture Kingbastards musical style in the animation with bravur!!!
The style feels original, and the slow camera sweeps+ things moving in rythm with the music made this top ace!
I really hope this one gets frontpage, the animation alone deerves it, and seriously, that song is amazing!
Too bad you didnt get hold of a higher quality version, thats the only thing i can come up with that wasnt that good. If you´d made the animation over a wav, you could have compressed to mp3 with a decent bitrate and gotten an OK sound wihtout using too much space.
Anyway, kudos to you man, i really hope to see more things like thisin the future!
Kingbastard have just submited the animation to his account, go search on the AP (since the review system doesnt allow URL). Song name is "Upwnstairs", a mixture between "Up and Down" :) Go get it (Five_Iron, update the flash with proper credits now that the song is in the Audio Portal as well :)