From the 10:th of March, I will be working extra as a soundtechnician at a local youths-hangout. They have a stage and a dancefloor for about 300 persons, so I'm gonna be house-technician when there's something happening there.
Along with that, I will be having a course in Reason 4.0. I just got my update, so I gotta learn the new features of it real fast, so I can actaully teach about it. It ain't impossible that I'll be doing some written tutorials too, if I do, I'll make sure to translate it into english and make athread about it as soon as I can! :)
I'm really looking forward to this. As some of you know, I've studied sound for a year (two split courses that actually are part of the sound-engineer program at the local uni - so I'm 1/3 sound-engineer! :D ).
I have been working now and then with live-sound (at the Arvika Festival last summer, amongst other), but it's gonna be fun to do things a little more intense like this, and even though I don't aim to work with sound fulltime in the future, it's an excellent extra job!
I am only a substitute though, so I won't be working like this more than mid-june. School stops in the beginning of june, so I'll most likley increase my activity on NG by then (I wanna make more MAC's in the future fo' sho!:).
For the audio-forum guys, if there's anyone messing up the forum, or it looks generally crappy, just PM a BBS-mod who's online, and he/she will take care of business. Zerok and BlueHippo have visited the forum now and then over the last few weeks, and they may be getting some hang of the routines in there. If they're online, check with them first!
I will be keeping both my BBS and audio-mod status, hopefully I'll find some time on a slow sunday now and then to pop by and say "LAWL, HAI GAYZ" and do some modding. I start work on the 10'th of March, but up until then I've a big maths exam to attend to, plus shitload of other RL issues, so count me as AFK from now on.
Take care everyone! Latarrrgh!! <3<3<3
EDIT: At least I TRY to stay away and work+do my schoolwork.... DAMN YOU NEWGROUNDS FOR BEING ADDICTIVE >:(
First post.