MAC7 - November, DnB / Ambient theme... now launched, and up a and running!
LJCoffee manage the MAC
This time around it is mainly managed by LJCoffee. I started writing the contest, but since I didn't have the time to finnish it up LJCoffee took over and wrapped it up. Neat-o, LJC!
Also, it's a matter of having to manage the contest from start to end, and with alot of exams coming up and some live project I got forced to do (as a DJ... I'm not a fucking DJ ffs, wtf!) I will have to cut my NG-time overall. Of course I will be around to help out with the contest when it comes to questions in the thread etc, and I'll take part as a judge, but when it comes to ultimate decitions and other issues, LJCoffee is the one to blame... I mean talk to. <:o)
Future genre-related contests like this MAC is something that may pop up in the future too, WHO KNOWS??? omg.
What's your DJ name? Does it follow Rule #10?
I have no DJ name, but I might make my it rule #10...