When I got home from a hard day full of maths, maths and some more maths - I found that the postman had delivered me something - namley Kingbastards alter ego Weeksy's album "The Don't Knows".
21 songs of pure awesomeness if you like ACOUSTIC, POETIC, BRITTISH music to relax to, get inspired of - or perhaps impress a girl with, showing that you've got sensitive and tasteful musical taste. :)
The CD can be purchased right here, I'm sure good ol' Kingbastard have more stuff, info, links to more albums or whatever etc. on his Myspace - But more importantly you should check his FREE stuff out right here on Newgrounds: Kingbastard's audio.
Aight, that's what I wanted to say - be a fan like me and support this talented bastard by buying some of his music, or at least pop hiim a review on his stuff here on NG!!! He deserves it!!!
As for me right now, I better get back to studies, got two exams next week, gonna try to fit all them books and info in my small head somehow... Wish me luck! :)
You study too much.. no wonder you were demoded
heyyy... that was no good-luck wish. :'(