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Tank awards, my pick.

Posted by Rucklo - May 30th, 2008

First off, a BIG congrats to all the winners!
Frankly, all nominees are winners, even if only one could bring home the #1 award. Jesus christ, this is all top notch productions!!!
So, this was really really hard to judge (I was part of the movie-judging panel), I've gone through all the submissions a couple of times each, ruled one after another out, placed the movies up and down etc etc.
I'm glad that Waterlollies won, simply due to the fact that I feel that it's slightly more deserving then the rest. I did have a thought going through that - he's a real pro, is it really fair? But in the end, I decided not to include such criteria. Like Luis mentioned to me, going with the gut feel is the best way to decided the order, and was the main support in the end, despite what I've written down in the comments.

I've used the comments as a reminder, and to easier be able to compare the submissions against each other.
If you're interested, read through my judgement. Leave a comment if you agree, or if you don't agree, too. :)
It really doesn't matter now, of course, but it's always fun to see what people think!

I did make a list of more than the top five, but we were asked to only include the top five, so yeah... :)

1- Waterlollies
2- Aladdin 3150
3- The Composer
4- Jerry
5- Project Freetown: Metropolis Circuit

+ Animation is really really smooth. I mean, just look at the water... Look at it!
+ The original landscape and the unique characters brings a very special feeling.
+/- Even though the soundtrack is great, and it adds a great deal to the whole Brackenwood feeling, this movie rely mainly on it, to help enhance what's going on. It's a + because it's so good and so suiting, and a - because there is not much more, apart from a few soundeffects here and there. Do note that the few SFX that do exist help bring alot to the overall feel, which is very important (f.ex. very characteristic sounds for the extraoordinarily weird creatures...).
+/- The story is built up of a series of events. The bully of Brackenwood goes on a rampage (as always), and karma, or whatever, gets back and bites his ass. There are good references and usage of old characters and old happenings, which is being tossed in as part of the actual storyline. And despite the rather simplistic storyline, one really gets caught in this very easily, due to the speed and the overall near perfect animation of it.

All in all:
- The uniqueness of this world, the animation and the artwork is a notch above all other nominees. Sure, there is one or two things in the other nominees that may be smoother or better in the other flashes, but this is simply a notch above the rest overall.

Aladdin 3150
+ There is alot of both small and big things in this animation that is built in the rythm and the mood of the song in an excellent way. There are no soundeffects in this movie, but I even had to re-check this, because the animation with the camera-job is so well built in with the music, so it almost feels like there are actual sfx in the movie! It is extremley easy to get caught up in this movie.
+/- The story is simple, and somewhat odd (with the lizzard-mutant). It is built around the music, and is done so in a good way. Though there's nothing extraoordinary about it, really. It's quite original with the lizard, but in all honesty, the story itself is nothing that raises my eyebrows.
- No soundeffects are always a minus, but I have to say that this flash, compared with all the other nominees that lack decent audio, suffers the least of this.

All in all:
- The speed an the feel of this is just right. Some parts are less well animated, what brings it down a bit othervice is the lack of sfx, despite the fact that it's awesomley well animated to the music.

The Composer
+ Very well captured facial movements, of course a big and important thing in a moody animation such as this. Overall it's very well drawn.
+ Good camerajob. What comes with "the camerajob" obviously is part of the drawing, but I really like that there are different focuses in the clips, just like a real camerashot would have. I like how the sliding cameras and different angles brings life to the animation.
+ Even though the basic story itself is rather simple, I really like the how this bag is being tied up. The story really complete itself, and is a great moral. "What goes around comes around" may be the wrong saying, but it's around those feelings I get for this.
+/- While the music is very suiting overall, there's a lack of soundeffects in most places. As with a music-video, that makes up for any sfx that aren't there, but a few atmospheric sounds and sfx could make the animation even more powerful.
+ Made the main song himself
- Despite the good camerajob, there's a slight lack of movement "on stage" all around. The good camerajob, makes up for most of that, but I still see the lack of pace a con. For example, in the part where things are getting better for the main character, the lack of actual movement makes things pretty stale.

All in all:
Really deep story, well written, even though it may be a bit cheezy. A big pro that the music is made by JAZZA himself.

+ The story, or rather the line of events in this animation is just stunning. I think most people who've made an appearance of the adult world (that sometimes can get as monotone as Jerrys life), can relate to this. The simplisticness of this is just brilliant, and therefore the story is a hughe +.
+/- The camerawork is ok, only because of the pace that is being used to represent the monotone life Jerry have, and help bring a fuller understanding of his monotone life. Apart from that, it's not up to competition to most other nominees this year.
+/- Audio is suiting, though repetetive. It's yet one of many top animation on this site that deal lightly with sound, and probably don't spend alot of time to it, but this animation have what it needs. Definitley no more, but at the same time no less.
- The animation is not very interesting, nor is the artwork. Simplistic and, well, obviously recycled.

All in all:
This moive is brought down due to the fact that it's reusing the same animated sequences over and over. Sure, it's done in a brilliant way (which is partly why I placed it in the top five), but still it kindof lack effort. It's a great idea, but still I feel the ones above are more deserving.

Project Freetown: Metropolis Circuit
+ This have a decent style (as in artwork), and really really slick animation. Gravity in this race feels very natural (not real; just natural), as does the characters motions and the camerajob is just awesome. Despite looking at a small window in a browser, it's easy to get hooked up in the speed that is this animation. Timing feels really smooth, even though it only reasonably well timed to the background song.
- Even though there's some background story to find on rtil's webpage, alot of concept art etc. this flash in perticular feels pretty flat and is just an excuse to show of animation skills (but what skills...!).
- Like many other flashes, this lack decent audio. Sure, it has a cool song attached to it, and even two voice actors mumbling a few sentences and some basic sfx at the start, but this is not getting the animation anywhere worth to mention audio-vice.

All in all:
An animation combined with a serious story and a real audio-engineer taking care of the sound can take this far - VERY far. But this perticular animation lacks just what is mentioned above, unfortunatley.

Other submissions I ruled out of the top five, for one reason of another (they were all really really close to get up there). I would include FlashBack 00 and Socklops, but by the time I was about to judge them, I realised that they didn't stand up to the competition, so I never bothered to judge them properly.

The Stranger Forest
+ I really like this story. A little kid wants to flee the "bit-reality" he lives in, and lure himself out to see the "analouge" world, the forrest. I get the impression that city-kids that never been out in the forrest in their life, might get a similiar feel when they do come out for the first time - the beauty and the danger of this world is easy to appreciate. However, this is not enough since I seem to loose interest of wanting to know how this end around the part with the water. And the ending gives me mixed fellings too - did he actually think it good to be back, or is he a prisoner of his homeworld? It puzzles me, and that's not a good thing. Viewers are stupid (like me), and sometimes it's important to be a bit more clear with what's going on.
+ The style of the art is really cool. I love the way the author brings out the contrast between the two worlds, and really sharpen it. The eyes... there's something about the eyes of the humans in this world that really catches my attention too. I really like it!
+/- The animation seem ok, but when things start to move around a bit, it's not as "round and smooth" as I would expect. The running scene ticks me of in perticular. All in all, the more hectic scenes don't get as hectic as they could, due to not using a intriguing enough "cameralanguage".
+/- I love how the audio is taken care of by an outside artist, and even though it suits the movie really good in some places, it fails to perform when it's needed the most. I am mainly refering to the end, where the mood of the music easily could have wrapped up the actual ending in a better way. Like previously stated, I'm not sure whether the main character ends up happy, reliefed, sad or whatever.

Blockhead Ghostmas
+ Great timing storyvice.
+ Fun and original story.
+ Clean and smoothly drawn backgrounds.
+ All sound mixed by the author (?)
+ Decent quality of audio overall.
- Lack of challenging camerawork, thus lacking effort in "paced animation".
- Animation overall is pretty dull. Smooth, but not very fun to watch. The whole "randomness" that build Blockhead flashes would benefit alot if the camerawork were a bit more vivid and crazy.
- Although the story is really fun, it's not performed in a captivating manner. A little too random without having "that extra spice" to it to really move the viewer.

+ Love the pace in this animation. It's fast, it's furious, and it's pretty darn weird. The animation is swift and it have nice cameraworks to go with it.
+ The drawing and style reminds me a little of Dan Paladins earlier work.
+ This shit is really really weird. Some guys being hatched in some weird world of ant-beasts... The storyline confuses as much as it enchants. Throw in a couple of goofy faces of the main characters, and we're all set.
- Audio. This is supposed to be a music video for some song that's not yet done... well, throwing in a song from The Matrix - Reloaded and virtually no SFX ain't gonna do the trick. This is a major con with this movie overall.

What is Love?
+ Really good timing, it goes extremley well with the song both storyvice overall, and the small things that happen.
+ The effort put into this is easy to appreciate.
+ Very good camerawork that goes just right with the music, slow-mo in the right place, good build of the story, perfect pace. The camerawork along with the simple story captures the viewer really good.
+/- The storyline is not original at all, classic "love overcomes hatred" lovestory. Though it is amusing, and the small things that fill the video up really lift the whole story.
+/- Animation is good, it comes with the camerawork, but it's not all too impressive due to the simplistic drawing. However, the motions themselves are very smooth and even comic in some places.
- Unoriginal charcter design (South Park look alikes).
- Audio. Just because it's a music video doesn't mean that it can't contain atmospheric sounds in different locations, sfx for the "heart shots", footsteps etc etc.

All in all:
What really brings this movie down is the artwork, the South Park copies. I think that if it wasn't for that, this movie might have had a chanse of the top 5, but as it is I just can't get that "OMFG!!!" feeling to place it any better.


I understand and respect your opinions, but I don't believe that a piece of flash artwork really requires that much SFX, if it is done very well.

I can understand why you wish for Aladdin 3150, and Waterlollies to have complex SFX, and I also understand that when done well these things can be a great benefit, but these animation were based around the music, and have pulled off conveying the story, and having some of the best story lines I have ever seen without using either dialog or the large-scale SFX.

Personally, I prefer these quietly excellent animations that might not be big and flashy, but give off an excellent story line and convey a great message.

Either way, I like your opinions, and can agree with you on most of it, and also agree that you have chosen well.

Thanks for reading,

I agree with your judges.

I agree about my lack of original camera-work in Ghostmas, it's a terrible trend to get into where you draw backgrounds expecting you are going to have to re-use them over several episodes, and thus they can't be too zany or risk becoming tired. I tried a few at certain points (painting over the sign , etc.) but should have been more brave.

I blame studying television animation for that :)

I'll have to admit, I was hopeful that I might be declared the winner. I thought maybe Waterlollies would be overlooked due to Adam's professionalism, but it's only fair that he wasn't. It's nice to know, though, that, according to this order of votes, I was next in line....Is there a second place Tank? lol


Area 51 BABY!

Thank you for making your opinions available like that, I'm extremely curious as to what was the overall result and by giving us this little piece of info, I can now have a better idea of how the votes went. And good choices, although I would have personaly have put Rienland among the best, because it trumps the other movies in the creativity department (but Waterlollies would have been a close second!).

I Agree With Ur Comments On BBS....
But yes...Obvious...And I mean They Where Good So w.e...
But Yeah Good Summary Up There I Totally Agree With All Of THem




Are you mad today or something? I've never seen a more angry lock message from you than the one on "Longest Ban"

That picture is quite disturbing. I may have nightmares.