ghostxero - <a href=""> 229011/34</a>
: you can eat an AIDS filled dick asshole, cause not everyone bashes both games ive played both i prefer battlfield thats all, my kids like both but play battlefield a lil more often, so you can just go slit ur fuckin wrists while ur mom shits in ur mouth and your dad cums in your ass........was that a lil much? hahahahahahahahh
Reason: flame-baiting, being a fucking prick
TheRipper00 - <a href=""> 277790</a>
: This is a great example of just how fucking stupid people can be, congrats.
: Rushed production? Your fucking kidding right. They build a new fucking game engine for the game, that alone takes some fucking time. Something you would know nothing about if your fanboy gay for COD.
: ...good thing it was a FUCKNG BETA YOU IGNORANT MOTHER FUCKER. Do you even comprehend what a beta is?
Reason: flame-baiting
Look, I don't care whether you're "just doing your job" or not. But if you're going to enforce the rules of the BBS, at least do so <em>consistently and fairly</em>, not just when you feel like it.
I guess most people in such a group would consist of noobs. I'm not one of them. Therefore, I'm not joining. LOL
Rucklo (Updated )
well, i've a couple of months head-start, so at least I'm not a noob. I'M NOT A NOOB, GOD DAMNIT >: (
And at the end of the day it doesn't hurt if you just join the platoon, ya know... :p